Saturday, January 9, 2010

Head Above Water

Today's Weight: 253.1
Spanx Size: E
End of Phase 1: 8 days

"Water is the only drink for a wise man." - Henry David Thoreau

I didn't drink enough water today. I didn't eat all of my meals. I didn't exercise. I'm retaining water. Bad diet day.

But I had freaking fabulous salmon. OMG good salmon. I made a salad tonight of romaine lettuce, chopped onions, cucumbers, grilled red bell pepper & asparagus, and Parmesan cheese topped with salmon grilled with rosemary seasoning. So good I could have had it twice.

Tomorrow begins the last week of winter break. Then I begin the rush that is university life. I have to get this diet pinned down this week. No more flaking out on meals and water and exercise. If I'm going to be able to stick with this diet once my crazy schedule begins, I have to train myself to be responsible when life is easy. One more week. I can make this work. And - drum roll please - last week of Phase 1. I'm so excited. I think my celebratory first Phase 2 meal will include a glorious serving of blueberries and raspberries. I've never looked so forward to a meal in my entire life.

1 comment:

  1. Hey you!
    It is almost Tuesday...where are you? I need posts!!!
